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Knowledge about castings

Welcome to Henan JZ equipment company.

Today I will briefly introduce the knowledge about castings.

Castings are parts made by melting metal and pouring it into a mold. This helps to quickly and accurately manufacture parts of various shapes and sizes. Castings usually require post-processing to achieve the perfect shape and size. Common metals in castings include iron, copper, aluminum, zinc, magnesium, nickel and titanium.

Castings can be customized according to the requirements for their properties and shapes.  Castings are often more cost-effective than other manufacturing methods. Castings can be used in different industries, including aerospace, automotive manufacturing, construction and navigation. Castings can be divided into different types according to their shapes, such as spherical, cylindrical, sector-shaped and bag-shaped. Castings can be made into different levels according to the roughness of their external surfaces, including smooth surface, rough surface and waxy surface.

Advantages of casting manufacturing include high reliability, safety, short production cycles, and consistent quality. The most common problems during the casting manufacturing process are pores and porosity. The materials used in the casting manufacturing process can be metal alloys, ceramic materials, plastics and rubber, etc. Different processes can be used in the manufacturing process of castings, including gravity casting, die casting, rotation casting and centrifugal casting. Castings can be affected by various methods during the manufacturing process, including grain structure, temperature control, and cooling rates.

Add: West part of Changjiang Road, No. 26, Anyang City, Henan, China
Contact: Michael Duan
WhatsApp: +86-18625862110
Email: info@jzequipment.com